Thursday, December 10, 2020

Anti-Vaccine doctor testifies before the Senate | FULL HEARING

sharing to community first, and science second.. because saving lives matters, all lives and right now!

my comment on the video, which because of the title, had less than 3,100 views at 5am PST

I see the reason now. 5:20 into the video, Sen. Johnson explains. The "compromised" doctors on the left, and the NYTimes, started attacking even before the meeting, calling this "anti-vaccine".. Thus the title. Which is probably automatically caught by FB and Twitter and possibly other social media? and likely to turn away how many viewers before they even click on it because of the title? It is suppression and censorship, obviously. I had commented yesterday on this video, slept, and when I came back to my pc, and was trying to close windows, I came across this again, and after reading some comments, rewatched for this part I had missed in the beginning. And I noticed the "views" count was only a few hundred. When @TheHill alone has 939,000 subscribers. So I refreshed the page, and it is still only showing 3,086 just after 5am PST. I guess I'll have to share it again ;) Whether you care or not, or share this opinion or not, I urge you to watch his statement at 5:20...

1 comment:

Wookie said...

NOW, i got to figure out if YT put back the original video I see now (do you see it?)
or if I manually fixed it later like I did some other posts.