Saturday, January 22, 2022

What is an EUA?

How many lies can you tell in 1.5 mins?

The best thing everyone can do, is to immediately report and BAN/BLOCK the FDA, CDC, NIH, and WHO on ALL social media.  This would be safer than the lies they tell, which can be life threatening. 
They are captured organizations, by BigPharma, and must be rebuilt from the ground up.  
It would probably be best to get rid of ALL previous employees to be sure you get rid of all the corruption.

Part of the plan should ALSO be to make these companies PAY back every cent they took from the American Taxpayers, and ban them for life from every receiving such again.

Will This Get Me Killed?

Wife stands up to hospital, and with legal help...

... saves him.  But not all, are so lucky.

And the reasons for this, come largely from financial incentives, via the Cares Act for one... 
now if this seems completely immoral and illegal to you, know that you are NOT alone!

Saturday, January 15, 2022


The Great Bill Gates Scam Explained

This belongs in both science and community... it's a big part of how and why pharma has captured our health orgs (all) with revolving door policies that are destroying everything in all democracies across the globe.  CDC, FDA, NIAID, NIH, and the WHO.
I had been assuming until this year that claims about Bill Gates having nefarious motives for making profits over lives, speaking about depopulation, being part of the "great reset" or agenda 21 or agenda 2030, was hyperbole or exaggeration.
I no longer defend Bill Gates.

I was going to work for Microsoft right out of High School, once upon a time, many decades ago, but I learned of how you have to do things the "Microsoft" way, and that he is a control freak through and through.  Definitely not my style.

There are many questions, about some of the things he has said, and about a LOT of his actions, that don't line up with stated intentions.  And I think there is far too much to ever give him the benefit of the doubt again.  Especially now that I KNOW for a fact that he was involved in the Ivermectin disinformation campaign.  I will explain what I know for sure...

When I found out about Ivermectin, I was relieved that finally we had a way to end the pandemic and save lives.  The science was showing clear efficacy

There's Something Much Bigger Going On Here | Dr. Robert Malone 2022

These are the big liars: Steve Hilton

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

It's time to go back and recheck previous elections, after we fix 2020 of course! (+GA 2 seats)

 It's time to start going back over those "close" election results over the past 20 years.
Seriously, 20 years!

My collection of just "some" of the electronic voting machines that people have proven are hackable since 2003, and even championed by Pelosi since 2005, but I could not find any "fixes" that had resulted from ANY of these revelations.  I welcome any proof to the contrary.

After seeing 2020 results and 920+ people testifying (sworn affidavits) about over 1500 problems witnessed, across 6 states (at least) .. it's time to ditch the machines and go back to paper ballots.
Proven to work for hundreds of years, and with Jovan Hutton Pulitzer and Dr Shiva on hand, it can be greater than 99.9998% accurate.  I wouldn't be surprised if they got us our FIRST 100% accurate and verifiable election in over 150 years!

Electronic Voting System hack examples for two decades

And when they say "over 60 courts through out all the cases" .. give them the facts

Military Documents about Gain of Function contradict Fauci testimony und...

"FrankenFauci" is proven the Fraud he is.
Told ya so...

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Doctors Under Pressure for Ivermectin Prescriptions (More Letters)

Companies breaking the law, threatening doctors and other practitioners, with what sounds like a serious bluff, but what if they get away with it?

Monopolies that get out of control, start viewing the rules and laws as something in their control to change to their benefit 

Sunday, January 2, 2022