Saturday, May 29, 2021

BREAKING: Windham NH Auditors TAMPERED W/ Machines

For those of you in NH, or know people in NH ;)

Call to actions to mail documents create a legal paper trail and become legal documents if sent by certified mail, etc...

Maricopa Audit Makes HUGE Progress Amidst Ridiculous Media Propaganda | ...

You can listen to the hyper partisan predictable propaganda from the "#MSM" 

or here is a nice calm summary without all the BS

Just like the Board of Supervisor's media circus and indignant public meeting was nauseous to watch

or the calm cool professional testimony of Ben Cotton.

It's a night and day difference, and so easy to tell who's acting guilty, and who's find the truth.


Activist Outside U.S. Capitol: Lawmakers Who Objected Electoral Certific...

Unbelievable .. this is the "leftist" from the Coup video released by Millenial Millie on Nov 2, 2020

This was in January after the supposed "insurrection" which was, we now know, fueled by her "coup" crew... I can't believe it took me this long to catch up to this connection.

Thursday, May 27, 2021



 <redacted>   But the Patriot Act after 9/11 and all it's extensions since means that it is legal, it's just not talked about, or We the People will get made and make it stop. It's been up long enough, they didn't stop many things in the world with their extended access without warrants, and now it's being ABUSED for purposes it was NOT intended, which it was originally to protect America. So put things BACK , so we have our privacy again, and they will have to get used to working harder again to catch the bad guys, it comes with the job. They need to start focusing on WHOM is crossing the border that does NOT belong or is a danger to America. Like MS-13 and The Muslim Brotherhood (islamists who will be nice to your face but then kill any non believers, or anyone who breaks Sharia like LGBTQ community, etc.) We've been cooped up as a nation for many months, with questionable and changing advice, and being misled, lied to, gaslighted, 953 affidavits (at least) re: Election irregularities, the MOST Irregular election ever, and expected to believe it was "the most secure ever" ... if that's true, I'll eat my hat! AND that would mean things are so bad, that our vote hasn't counted for a long time!! we haven't had excercise (most of us) and are a crankly little nation right now with short fuses. Because our Politicians have some sold out swamp creatures on both sides, they haven't cleaned up anything, and here WE are doing the cleaning, and we are not going to stop at the election.... that's just the first step. Once we prove all the liars wrong, it's the WE the People who were correct all along to listen to the allegations and investigate, uncover all the fraud, going back however many years we need to. and start cleaning house! Once we take care of FRAUD at hte level for prison for some or most, and recalling or booting anyone complicit in election fraud, or coverups, or insider trading, or Pay2Play cases, etc.... We also need to look at Constitutional law, and see if Trump can come back, or has to wait while Nancy Pelosi is in charge, just long enough for the ULTIMATE irony as we IMPEACH her, preferably twice!! Then we must turn our attention to holding the CDC and the NIH and the FDA RESPONBLE, ACCOUNTABLE for their actions ignoring safe life-saving treatments such as Ivermectin, and others when the data is there, enough for NON doctors and NON scientists to plainly see and recommend these treatments, but get blocked by BigPharma. who is TOO big and going to be ANTI TRUST target 1 2 or 3. BigTECH gets one of those numbers as well, for playing Hitler or BigBrother under 230 and band their tools from all government faciliities and equipment. We can make a newer, safer, encrypted, transparent social media for the people focused on Privacy and only VOLUNTEERING data if they wish. We should put the Deep State and NSA on this to keep them busy because they have been very very bad little children, who got too big for their britches. So 3rd, we'll have to decide a little later. to see who's affected by the previous, as BigMedia and BigAnarchists/marxist/socialists (the bad kind, not the Bernie kind) and BigBanks are all possible targets for improvement. Or restructuring our society in a healthy way so we don't need them. There's more than 1 way to skin a cat! (just an expression, I love animals)

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Breaking News (19may2021) Reopen Election, Tabulate more, and Backdate votes = Uncertifiable systems!

you can: Reopen election (database), it should be read only after election closed.

you can: tabulate more votes or ballots, at your leisure, as you are outside of election timeframe now, no supervision, no one is looking for those pesky online connections at this time because the election is over right?

and you can;  backdate the votes so they appear as legitimate on time votes, in case you needed to fix any discrepencies, cover your tracks, or someone elses!  You can even do this remotely if all the physical parts are on hand already, or you assume there will be no "full forensic audit".  If they do a risk limiting "mini" audit, odds are very good that nothing will be detected.  Of course, you have at least 1 guy on the inside, right?

This is just 1 of the many reasons why these machines are all Uncertifiable systems!

We must return to JUST Paper ballots until all of these issues are fixed, and all hackable machines/systems are removed, and all broken processes are fixed with full paper trails and accountability for each and every action. Transparent, safe and secure, just like any casino or bank does EVERY day! 

Next up... Paper Ballot issues with folds and tabulator issues per the expert Jovan Hutton Pulitzer....

What? 28% of the ballots cast were not counted? #WTF - 4 States affected? (at least)

Jovan Hutton Pulitzer beats them down with Truth yet again.  Consistently, since I ever heard about him and his inventions, his testimony from the general election, he has been putting out the truth, consequences be damned!

Explaining how even the bad auditors (those who have been here before 2020 and covering up for previous issues) who may be compromised, are facing problems so big and glaring, that they cannot cover up for them without detection any longer.  Too much information is out there to ignore any longer, too many people are watching, and the TRUTH, no matter how far back it reaches, is surfacing completely.

This is why it was referred to as the Kraken.  It is such a huge piece of the truth, it is a behemoth when you realize all of those smaller "not enough to change things" problems, are not isolated and are almost ALL connected in 1 Huge Piece of Monstrous TRUTH.  This information will crush the electronic election voting systems, and those involved with the vulnerabilities inherently designed into them being approved or certified, OUT OF EXISTENCE at a MINIMUM.  Will they be in more trouble from potential Prison Time, or danger from the other countries they operate in with a less structured law system?

There will be politicians lost on both sides of the aisle, and from neither side.  So be it.
Government Integrity Project, is being run by CITIZENS, regardless of affiliation, to bring to light all those problems that have been brushed under the rug over the years.  The problems have become so numerous that no one will ignore them, or allow them to be ignored or explained away any longer.
We don't care how many times you try to gaslight anyone who questions the process, we are interested in only FACTS.  

You want to discuss this?  Sure!  Post a comment. 
But please, bring your facts!  If you are going to quote your favorite #LameStreamMis-ledia (my blog, no censor and I LIKE This label for #MSM!) then bring the facts they supposedly used to make their point.  
We have to focus on the facts and common sense.  

Monday, May 24, 2021

1st documentary movie on the origin of CCP virus, Tracking Down the Orig...

Probably shared this before, but let's be sure, since it's coming up again.

Seems like some missed info that has been out over a year...

Trump vs Biden: Which Candidate is RACIST? (comedian K-von helps you VOTE!)

Meant to post this a long time ago, but so much was happening, and I still admonish his "stand down and stand by" comment, but it sure seems more like frustration, than the way they painted it.

But this song, is so cringe (but thankfully short)

Don't forget to keep score how many times TRUMP "disavowed" (I forgot to count)

Trump Never Mocked The Disabled (comedian K-von exposes the most hateful...

Did they ever show the other examples of Trump mocking other people in the same way (whom are not disabled)?   I bet most haven't seen this.  This is why you should question narratives that sound too convenient or contrived.

Our health organizations have failed us, including the CDC and WHO

Doctors have been talking about, and treating with, Ivermectin since April of 2020.  Thousands of patients have been documented since that time, with nothing but good reports, in the treatment of Covid19.   
It may not save 100% of the people 100% of the time, but to my knowledge, there has not been 1 negative result from using Ivermectin. 

But it HAS shown efficacy up to 93% (conservative estimate, it could be higher), when used to treat Ivermectin in all stages of the disease, even prophylaxis and late stage disease.  93 studies, 54 peer reviewed, 56 with results comparing treatment and control groups.  The science CANNOT be denied!

On June 8, 2021, it will have been 6 full months since Dr Pierre Kory testified at the Senate hearing and begged them to just look at the data, have the health advisors and health officials to look at the data.
The data was that good.  It could have saved more lives than you can count, estimated 50% to 95% of 3.454 Million people as of 24may2021

Only a few studies (3 at this time?), which seemed designed to fail in the first place, were quoted by certain health agencies or Pharma companies, that do NOT show significant positive benefit or efficacy.

This pandemic has proven that our health orgs the world over, with very few exceptions, have failed us.  When the top orgs in the largest countries FAIL to understand, and share this information, they have failed us, and have blood on their hands for the deaths that follow since that date.

I am listening to the livestream while typing this.. more info in the comment, and I will leave this here for retrieval later, because it is likely that  BigTech shall step in with more censorship, because they to, care about something more than human lives.

FLCCC statement on the disinformation coming from the WHO 

"Who Executed Ashli Babbitt?": GOP Lawmaker Grills Ex-Acting AG Over Res...

Filling out info that is missing from #MainStreamMislead-ia

Maricopa Arizona Livestream Special Meeting

Slightly redundant, but just want to be sure there is a copy of the full meeting in case it's needed on my end.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Rubio: We're "Demanding The Use Of The Right Pronouns" While China Threa...

Kyle Rittenhouse Appears in Court - Media Perpetuates LIES About His Case

The problem with media bias can be easily seen in this report the host reads to us, and critiques where exactly it's biased, and talks about how it helps fuel the riots and violence we saw for most of the year in 2020.
The host of Rekieta Law Store clearly defines that he's going to give his interpretation and legal viewpoint, along with his personal bias in the favor of Kyle (in this case), in the beginning of the video.

Even when you can't find unbiased news sources, it can often help understanding to get opposing views as opposed to just one side.  More often than not, I see those around me getting news from one bias, usually the #MSM which is a conglomerate owned by 6 organizations with the majority parroting the others.  I wouldn't be surprised to see cross investment ownership among those 6 owners.  
Some of you will already be aware of the problem, but when your average person can assume since CNN, MSNBC, and AP News are all saying exactly the same thing, there must not be any reason to question it.
I would counter that if they seem to be using the same keywords and it's almost verbatim the same thing, THAT is a GOOD reason to question it, and looking for more sources would be in your best interest.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Election Night Coup D'état Plot Exposed!

When I first saw this, I thought it might have been a little dramatized like Alex Jones or something, or your average Qanon speculation taken to the next level.  But now that I'm watching it again, it looks more like investigative reporting we used to see on 20/20 or 60Minutes type shows, or maybe even TMZ with a little more depth.  Something about the style is similar....

more investigation needed... any references out there?

New Hampshire Auditor Exposes Secrets

wow.  There was some sneaky bastards.  Who pretty much found every weakness they could exploit to their advantage, so it would all add up to a win, but make it harder for anyone else to find a large enough problem in 1 spot to make claims of misconduct and demand an audit.

But we cant pick apart that possible mystery late.  We have to focus on the largest first, in each state to save time, so we can move on to the next one, and than can circle back to be complete for improvements going forward.

Media Meltdown Over Arizona & Georgia Audits

Sidney Powell Addresses Nation in Georgia

reading the facts re: Georgia .. didn't catch if that was the General or the following 2 Senators...
From the sounds of it, it was the former, but the following is expected to exhibit the same central problem.

hmmm, if they were smart, the following was clean, but based on the results, I think there is a recognizable pattern which would be damning to anyone trying to defend it.

Let's hope Monday is just manic, as opposed to rockets or bombs or uprisings happening anywhere else.

Voting on paper in all future elections is going to be the wise move going forward.  All the "tainted" electronics are likely to be locked up in evidence rooms across 28 states.

And I sure would like to meet all these 65 to 80 yr olds that voted at near 100% turnout all OVER the place!  Maybe they found the fountain of youth??

Election Cases tracker and reporter resource

 Not secure, as in no HTTPS:// connection, but the best collection of cases from the election "for keeping score" when people try to tell you "all those cases failed!" etc ...
It seems many accept the #MSM version which they then Parrot, not realizing that they have not investigated nor qualified such statements.

Jim Jordan Unloads On Dr. Fauci Over COVID-19 Origins

We were warned about this...

Karen Fann Blames the Board of Supervisors for Audit delays for 6 months

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Senate Meeting 5-18. Were Voting Machines Hooked up to the Internet? Li...

Whereby the "other" part of the Audit team, Cyfir, with much professionalism (which is why we were not worried about the "bias" mentioned re: Cyber Ninjas) presents the inconsistencies and absurd comments and downright lies about some things to the Senate. 

Included is the fact that one of the database directories had been deleted by someone before this Audit team received the equipment, but the cyber security professional Ben Cotton, CyFir founder, very experienced working with government and large corporate customers, was able to recover the data, of course. 

Whomever did delete the files while the equipment was in the custody of the BoS at the election vault building, must have been short on time, or short on knowledge, of how to properly delete critical evidence, if that was their intention.  I'm sure the timestamps for the time of occurrence will give some clues on that matter, if those were completely preserved, as they likely were.

I felt like calling them out for the complete and outlandish lies the Board of Supervisors and the Recorder were telling in their very staged "public" meeting (in a post on this blog), but I feel the recording of this meeting and the security professional's calm manner did a much more thorough job of proving once again, that the election supervisors and those working with them have been lying through their teeth and fighting this thorough audit every step of the way, and every way they could, while still trying to maintain their innocent and professional appearance.    Ha!

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

ANTRIM CASE DISMISSED! Now What??? w/ Matt Deperno & Bill Bailey - not as bad as it sounds

Maybe not as bad as it sounds, there is no determination about evidence, it's about the case being MOOT because he cannot grant and relief if all is true, etc .. so watch the video, it's explained in the first couple of minutes

In MI there is legislation (since 1963 or something?) that any voter can challenge the election and permitted to audit the election , and have been small changes periodically since then, as recently as 2019?

This will likely lead to a better definition of what an audit entails, and who's allowed to define that, and if they are allowed to make changes, and statutes not being able to limit the amendment (currently they do?) 
"as prescribed by law" will need addressed vs amendments, statutes, and who can change

Currently, the SoS seems to be have excess power to change legislature via statute, which should not be, and is the defendant in a case, but is able to define what the audit encompasses, which is a conflict of interest, and probably a legal issue on top of a definition issue with complications.

There will be more.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Monday, May 17, 2021

Antrim LIVE Press Conference w/ Matt Deperno NEW EVIDENCE 17may2021

Matt DePerno provides proof that electronic voting systems are hackable and uncertifiable at the tabulator level.  You may have seen this first part of the video elsewhere, and certainly with better sound, if  not, you need to see it.  I have started the video at the point where the sound clears up, or at 20:21 (same as the year)  I'll try to comment with a link to a better version (or my previous post if I already posted it here)

He THEN brings us 3 more new revelations, from his end, that you will see reflected by other techs and auditors in other areas and other states.  When multiple people find the same problem, you know it's not a "one-off" situation.

This will undoubtedly elicit a "large" reaction or attack from the BoS and/or their lawyers.  Not only evidence of .. I'll let the video speak for itself. 
Keep in mind he was bringing a room full of people up to speed.

Breaking in Michigan: DePerno press conference new location announced

Audits, Wisconsin, Michigan?, GA, NH, and of course AZ...

Big Wisconsin Announcement

Thursday, May 13, 2021

🔴 LIVE: Arizona State Legislature Holds Public Hearing on 2020 Election

Full video of testimony from Nov 30, 2020 but it wasn't in the court of law, yet.

It may yet still make it before a judge, finally.

This is why the Legislature in AZ decided to find the Truth, not because of some politician request, but because of citizen eyewitness testimony from people actually there for the election process.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Saagar Enjeti: New Details REVEAL Fauci, Media Coverup Of Lab Leak Hypot...

No, pharma, you may NOT have 1.2 BILLION of tax payer money to invest more in this potential WORSE pandemic.
Time to hold Pharma responsible, starting with Fauci

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Matt Gaetz And Marjorie Taylor Greene Slam AOC, CNN, Mitt Romney At "Ame...

It sure sounds like common sense, compared to Cheyney or Romney or even McConnell.

I've only heard slandering or smearing or belittling of these two in the mainstream media.

Why WOULDN'T AOC debate Marjorie Taylor Greene on the Green New Deal?   If MTG is as weak as they 'claim' in the misleading media, she should welcome this opportunity to bolster support for the Green New Deal and prove MTG shouldn't be a congresswoman as some have tried to assert.

Friday, May 7, 2021

Hope is Contagious

<Taken from one of my posts>

What we need to do as a country, is realize we need to set aside our differences, cooperate, stand in solidarity vs the Real Enemies before us.  This will help heal the wounds faster, and we have to live with our fellow citizens whether we agree with them or not, so remember we live in the most Free country in the world, and must show others how you get there, as we did in the past.  Through working together.  If we do that, we can do it peacefully.  

A sit in at the capitol would be more successful than a protest that turns into a semi-riot that gets misconstrued as an insurrection, which then blocked us from seeing the objection of key senators towards the certification of the electoral votes, and the REASONS behind it.  and now because they were able to get away with labeling as such, and continually gaslight everyone with their labels, social media feels justified in squashing those REASONS under the guise of "might incite violence".  What a conundrum.  We need those other fellow citizens to wake up from THEIR version of a cult, and realize who's actually inciting violence and hate and overall DIVISION of everyone and everything to achieve their "goals".  More like "overreaching borderline EVIL plans".. but I digress.

The way we achieve victory is by quiet but solid Unity.  It will come down to this whether we do it NOW when it is much easier, or later when many more will be suffering the bad choices of the few.  

We, the People, ARE the United States of America.  

We pay the MAJORITY of the taxes, that pay for the politicians salaries, but apparently the lobbyists are paying more.  

We allow the governing per the Constitution that gives them their authority, but it can be recalled. (hello Newsom!)

We buy the majority of the goods the elites sell to get rich in the first place, and we can choose Not to.  AntiTrust is pretty important again right now, because some corps are "too big for their britches" as they would say in the old days.

As long as we don't bicker amongst ourselves as we have done for far too long now, ignore their division tactics, and stand together, we can fix everything peacefully.

3 points, call to action, choose the one you believe in and help how YOU can:

1. Health orgs and "professionals" have failed us, they are not loyal to We, The People.  Ivermectin + Vaccine together can end the pandemic in weeks, not months. The science is solid, stand up for your right to choos.

2. Election systems (electronic) have so many vulnerabilities, we can go back to just paper until they are fixed.  Hello AZ, MI, PENN, and GA ... others will follow as the evidence becomes indisputable, and it will (almost there already)

3.  Big Brother can go back to 1984, as we remove ALL of your paranoid DOMESTIC citizen surveillance. 1 by 1, they are all going back to NORMAL.  No facial recognition being fed to China's #CCP.  No BigTech tracking beyond their user agreements.  No more invasive agreements with lawyer fine print that takes even a lawyer too long to read.  No more arbitration clauses.  No more Section 230 for certain corps that need the Anti-Trust attention.

And I'm going to give a fourth point for each of us to work on internally

4. Love thy neighbor.  Or at least tolerate and learn how to talk to everyone.  If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. Or at least reword it tactfully.  People will hear what you say more, instead of how you said it.

Now share this message somewhere, or some version of it, and go forth, do your part to help save the world!  or at least, get out of the way <3


Thursday, May 6, 2021

Hakking the "ERection"

Humorous title typo intended and compliments of Schumer gaffe!

this video is from 3.5 years ago (oct 2017) and is very sobering, and makes all the election concern, and the evidence we found, no longer surprising.
Instead, it is concerning, that they appeared to be on track to fix all the issues, but instead,
we have ended up in the mess we are now, with clear evidence of multiple problems and tampering in multiple states and easily widespread enough to have changed the election.
This is probably the real reason the numbers are so high that they are record setting in ways that seem unbelievable.

I am only mentioning the AZ Audit by the State Legislature, which has been a 6 month battle almost to get here, which is alarming in and of itself.  If they did such a good job, they should have been bragging and happy to show off how accurate it was.
But that is not reality, that is called the narrative they tried to present to get away with it.  As likely happened in years past we are likely to find.  2016 is mentioned in this video a couple of times, but I have not caught up with official follow up yet on that, and it can wait, as we focus on 2020, because 3 other states are ready to start doing the same thing, a full audit, which of course is very likely to MOST, if not all, states are going to follow suit, so we see the full scope of this problem.
We had warnings, we didn't listen.  How many times have I repeated the quote, 

"If you forget the lessons of the past, you are doomed to repeat them."

This is a good reminder of WHY you don't erase or change history, but are best served as a society with an accurate reflection of the past, so we can improve, and avoid those mistakes from the past.         

This was the first in a playlist of 11 videos on the same thing, hacking election system machines or networks or software, from a quick search that just covers the past 5 years.  I'm sure there is more, but this video mentions why there isn't FAR more, and that is a part of the problem we are going to have to address.  

A few mins search, and 30 mins of videos, and you can see the warning signs ahead of the 2020 election that there should be NO surprise so much fraud happened, and that anyone who claimed "it was the safest and secure election ever" is factually wrong. 
Show me your DATA of your miracle changes since this video, and maybe we can begin to conceive it MIGHT be possible, but that probability is so low at the moment, it's not even worth considering, particularly since the paper ballots are NOT going to match the actual election results (again, we already know this, the teams are just being thorough and complete so there can be no doubt, no time wasted arguing instead of just dealing with the facts and what do now)

Then there are the IMDB listings of at least 23 movies/documentaries about the same thing up to 2016!

Obviously, I'm going to dish out a little "Told you so!" to a select few people, but I present all this for a unifying focus on fixing the problem.

Hopefully, we can avoid the division that is all around us, regardless if you think it came from "bad man Trump" or "the radical left" or "BigCorp too big" or "the corrupt world elite" or the "Swamp of the Deep State".
That part hardly matters right now, but by working together, we can remember the spirit of cooperation and the great things we can accomplish when we do.
We have much to do, in fixing our politics so they work once again for We the People of the United States Of America.
Don't accept any illogical ideas from the Right or the Left.  There are always extremists from ANY side, always those that look to profit from sowing chaos.  I recommend the calm persistence of logic and reason and a balance of all the other GOOD human traits, and a resistance to any of the bad.

Just remember this too, the next "agenda" is going to be Climate Change used as the weaponized tool, Climate "Denier" the cult label of choice, probably compared with flat earthers, etc
Is there some climate change that can be helped by Co2 emission policies?
Yes, but they are exaggerating at least 3 to 4 x the actual problem, all of the PROJECTION models are wrong and missing inputs, and most of the people pushing hardest, don't understand the science of the complex system of our weather, can't back up their claims with data without obvious manipulations... but we'll have that for next topic.

Some of the talks will be on the ScienceParaodox blog where I can justify, but otherwise they will be here in community to remind me that the economic cost of those policies on the poor is going to matter and be just as important for efficiency in the long run...