Wednesday, May 19, 2021

ANTRIM CASE DISMISSED! Now What??? w/ Matt Deperno & Bill Bailey - not as bad as it sounds

Maybe not as bad as it sounds, there is no determination about evidence, it's about the case being MOOT because he cannot grant and relief if all is true, etc .. so watch the video, it's explained in the first couple of minutes

In MI there is legislation (since 1963 or something?) that any voter can challenge the election and permitted to audit the election , and have been small changes periodically since then, as recently as 2019?

This will likely lead to a better definition of what an audit entails, and who's allowed to define that, and if they are allowed to make changes, and statutes not being able to limit the amendment (currently they do?) 
"as prescribed by law" will need addressed vs amendments, statutes, and who can change

Currently, the SoS seems to be have excess power to change legislature via statute, which should not be, and is the defendant in a case, but is able to define what the audit encompasses, which is a conflict of interest, and probably a legal issue on top of a definition issue with complications.

There will be more.

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