Friday, May 7, 2021

Hope is Contagious

<Taken from one of my posts>

What we need to do as a country, is realize we need to set aside our differences, cooperate, stand in solidarity vs the Real Enemies before us.  This will help heal the wounds faster, and we have to live with our fellow citizens whether we agree with them or not, so remember we live in the most Free country in the world, and must show others how you get there, as we did in the past.  Through working together.  If we do that, we can do it peacefully.  

A sit in at the capitol would be more successful than a protest that turns into a semi-riot that gets misconstrued as an insurrection, which then blocked us from seeing the objection of key senators towards the certification of the electoral votes, and the REASONS behind it.  and now because they were able to get away with labeling as such, and continually gaslight everyone with their labels, social media feels justified in squashing those REASONS under the guise of "might incite violence".  What a conundrum.  We need those other fellow citizens to wake up from THEIR version of a cult, and realize who's actually inciting violence and hate and overall DIVISION of everyone and everything to achieve their "goals".  More like "overreaching borderline EVIL plans".. but I digress.

The way we achieve victory is by quiet but solid Unity.  It will come down to this whether we do it NOW when it is much easier, or later when many more will be suffering the bad choices of the few.  

We, the People, ARE the United States of America.  

We pay the MAJORITY of the taxes, that pay for the politicians salaries, but apparently the lobbyists are paying more.  

We allow the governing per the Constitution that gives them their authority, but it can be recalled. (hello Newsom!)

We buy the majority of the goods the elites sell to get rich in the first place, and we can choose Not to.  AntiTrust is pretty important again right now, because some corps are "too big for their britches" as they would say in the old days.

As long as we don't bicker amongst ourselves as we have done for far too long now, ignore their division tactics, and stand together, we can fix everything peacefully.

3 points, call to action, choose the one you believe in and help how YOU can:

1. Health orgs and "professionals" have failed us, they are not loyal to We, The People.  Ivermectin + Vaccine together can end the pandemic in weeks, not months. The science is solid, stand up for your right to choos.

2. Election systems (electronic) have so many vulnerabilities, we can go back to just paper until they are fixed.  Hello AZ, MI, PENN, and GA ... others will follow as the evidence becomes indisputable, and it will (almost there already)

3.  Big Brother can go back to 1984, as we remove ALL of your paranoid DOMESTIC citizen surveillance. 1 by 1, they are all going back to NORMAL.  No facial recognition being fed to China's #CCP.  No BigTech tracking beyond their user agreements.  No more invasive agreements with lawyer fine print that takes even a lawyer too long to read.  No more arbitration clauses.  No more Section 230 for certain corps that need the Anti-Trust attention.

And I'm going to give a fourth point for each of us to work on internally

4. Love thy neighbor.  Or at least tolerate and learn how to talk to everyone.  If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. Or at least reword it tactfully.  People will hear what you say more, instead of how you said it.

Now share this message somewhere, or some version of it, and go forth, do your part to help save the world!  or at least, get out of the way <3


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