Sunday, May 23, 2021

Kyle Rittenhouse Appears in Court - Media Perpetuates LIES About His Case

The problem with media bias can be easily seen in this report the host reads to us, and critiques where exactly it's biased, and talks about how it helps fuel the riots and violence we saw for most of the year in 2020.
The host of Rekieta Law Store clearly defines that he's going to give his interpretation and legal viewpoint, along with his personal bias in the favor of Kyle (in this case), in the beginning of the video.

Even when you can't find unbiased news sources, it can often help understanding to get opposing views as opposed to just one side.  More often than not, I see those around me getting news from one bias, usually the #MSM which is a conglomerate owned by 6 organizations with the majority parroting the others.  I wouldn't be surprised to see cross investment ownership among those 6 owners.  
Some of you will already be aware of the problem, but when your average person can assume since CNN, MSNBC, and AP News are all saying exactly the same thing, there must not be any reason to question it.
I would counter that if they seem to be using the same keywords and it's almost verbatim the same thing, THAT is a GOOD reason to question it, and looking for more sources would be in your best interest.

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