Wednesday, April 20, 2022

The Best Collection of Professionals Following the Science

    For the best sources of knowledge, objectivity, vetted info, research, collective voices based on DATA and citations, people at the top of their fields who have NOT been corrupted, compromised, or otherwise incentivized to misinterpret the DATA, I present to you my collection of sources of information that have stood the test of time, over the past year or two.   
Not all millionaires and billionaires are using there wealth and influence against the public interest, for their own agendas.  Steve Kirsch is one of those who has been fighting this since early on in this pandemic, as he discovered more and more discrepancies between the "official" information coming from CDC, FDA, NIH, WHO... basically almost ALL of the health organizations in the world, and what the actual data was showing.  And as time went on, it got worse and worse, such that it can only mean the majority are CAPTURED by BigPharma.  He's an intelligent billionaire who puts his money where his mouth is, and like Mike Lindell, has challenged people to debate him and his team of some of the best minds in the world, regarding the pandemic information.  
Someone has to step up to the plate first, and/or continue to lead the pack in this movement of fixing everything that has been broken, corrupted or captured by corporations with Too Much Money AND Too Little Morals (often none)!

And on the election side, which is all part of the big picture and tied together more than most realize until they finally absorb all the information, we have Mike Lindell with a heart of gold, integrity, and a big mouth (his words!) using his platform, and building a new one since it was needed.
and a couple of my favorite pages: The END Of Dominion (et. al.) - all of the electronic voting systems (they are all intertwined with multiple shared people and backers, particularly the CCP in China via State Street Capital) .. and I certainly hope that Durham is able to connect those dots all the way to HRC so we can FINALLY "Lock Her Up!!!"  This link has the download for the evidence found in the Dominion machines, thanks to Clerk Tina Peters, from Mesa County, Colorado, who I submit is a patriot for her bravery in risking the million or billion dollar lawsuits (lawfare really) from this corrupt company that has machines in countries all over the world.  Now, those who CARE about free and fair elections, will be able to use this data, posted with hashes and all (MD5, SHA1, SHA256) to validate for themselves why they should never use these machines again in ANY country on the planet!

Bookmark this one, as it will be continually edited or commented on with new information, to keep the knowledge alive and remind people to think critically. Not to mention, provide a historical record that may be of use later.

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