Thursday, May 27, 2021


 <redacted>   But the Patriot Act after 9/11 and all it's extensions since means that it is legal, it's just not talked about, or We the People will get made and make it stop. It's been up long enough, they didn't stop many things in the world with their extended access without warrants, and now it's being ABUSED for purposes it was NOT intended, which it was originally to protect America. So put things BACK , so we have our privacy again, and they will have to get used to working harder again to catch the bad guys, it comes with the job. They need to start focusing on WHOM is crossing the border that does NOT belong or is a danger to America. Like MS-13 and The Muslim Brotherhood (islamists who will be nice to your face but then kill any non believers, or anyone who breaks Sharia like LGBTQ community, etc.) We've been cooped up as a nation for many months, with questionable and changing advice, and being misled, lied to, gaslighted, 953 affidavits (at least) re: Election irregularities, the MOST Irregular election ever, and expected to believe it was "the most secure ever" ... if that's true, I'll eat my hat! AND that would mean things are so bad, that our vote hasn't counted for a long time!! we haven't had excercise (most of us) and are a crankly little nation right now with short fuses. Because our Politicians have some sold out swamp creatures on both sides, they haven't cleaned up anything, and here WE are doing the cleaning, and we are not going to stop at the election.... that's just the first step. Once we prove all the liars wrong, it's the WE the People who were correct all along to listen to the allegations and investigate, uncover all the fraud, going back however many years we need to. and start cleaning house! Once we take care of FRAUD at hte level for prison for some or most, and recalling or booting anyone complicit in election fraud, or coverups, or insider trading, or Pay2Play cases, etc.... We also need to look at Constitutional law, and see if Trump can come back, or has to wait while Nancy Pelosi is in charge, just long enough for the ULTIMATE irony as we IMPEACH her, preferably twice!! Then we must turn our attention to holding the CDC and the NIH and the FDA RESPONBLE, ACCOUNTABLE for their actions ignoring safe life-saving treatments such as Ivermectin, and others when the data is there, enough for NON doctors and NON scientists to plainly see and recommend these treatments, but get blocked by BigPharma. who is TOO big and going to be ANTI TRUST target 1 2 or 3. BigTECH gets one of those numbers as well, for playing Hitler or BigBrother under 230 and band their tools from all government faciliities and equipment. We can make a newer, safer, encrypted, transparent social media for the people focused on Privacy and only VOLUNTEERING data if they wish. We should put the Deep State and NSA on this to keep them busy because they have been very very bad little children, who got too big for their britches. So 3rd, we'll have to decide a little later. to see who's affected by the previous, as BigMedia and BigAnarchists/marxist/socialists (the bad kind, not the Bernie kind) and BigBanks are all possible targets for improvement. Or restructuring our society in a healthy way so we don't need them. There's more than 1 way to skin a cat! (just an expression, I love animals)

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